Every day Ben “Ben Pack” Pack or one of his brave compatriots will play a retro game, and break it down for you. That’s right, every day. To complain about us eventually missing a day or suggest your own, go ahead and comment below the article, or email us at retrogamefunclub@gmail.com
The Game: Contra: Hard Corps
Release Year: 1994
Skewes: Genesis
So what’s it like: Contra. Odds are you have heard of it, whether it be the original Contra on the NES, to one of several sequels/reboots. “Contra: Hard Corps” is the sixth Contra game and the first to not be exclusive to Nintendo consoles. Taking place thirty years after “Contra III: The Alien Wars,” you play as one of four commandoes who must take down a former military war hero and his plans to bring back the aliens, or something.
Look, I don’t need to tell you much, if anything at all, about the story. You run to the right and shoot. There are several different weapon upgrades that are unique for the different characters, but all share a theme (such as homing or spread shot).
The game is hard. Very hard (but not as bad as Ghosts ‘N Goblins *shudder). So hard in fact that the Japanese version of the game added a life bar and unlimited continues, as opposed to the one-hit deaths and 5 continues of the American version. The game also had branching paths each with different endings.
Should you go back: Yes. But if you do play, try to play with a friend, because otherwise it’s more work than play.
Should this game be remade: No, only because there is an XBLA/PSN prequel in the works that is supposed to be released Winter 2010.
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