Every day Ben “Ben Pack” Pack or one of his brave compatriots will play a retro game, and break it down for you. That’s right, every day. To complain about us eventually missing a day or suggest your own, go ahead and comment below the article, or email us at retrogamefunclub@gmail.com.
The Game: Space Megaforce
Release Year: 1992
Skewes: SNES
So what’s it like: "Space Megaforce," is not only the winner for most generic yet awesome video game name, but it's also a vertical shoot-em-up. It's pretty stock as far as they go, with a few minor exceptions.
There are more weapons and variety than in most shmups. There are eight different weapons, each with their own levels of power-ups. Some of the weapons are mostly useless, while some standard ones like the homing missiles and spread shots, always prove to be useful. My favorite weapon created little ships that would fire whenever you fired, and follow your last position.
Another key difference between this and other shmups, is the health system. You can power up your weapon several times, but every time you get hit, you lose up to 4 powerups. If you have no powerups and you get hit, you die. Think "Sonic" and the rings. This makes the game less frustrating at first, but the levels are long. Very long. The good thing is that you can restart from checkpoints after losing all your lives. The game is fun, but nothing special.
Should you go back: No, there are plenty of better shmups (like U.N. Squadron for example) that deserve playing.
Should this game be remade: No. With plenty of crazy shmups coming out of Japan and other places, this game doesn't need a revival.
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