Every day Ben “Ben Pack” Pack or one of his brave compatriots will play a retro game, and break it down for you. That’s right, every day. To complain about us eventually missing a day or suggest your own, go ahead and comment below the article, or email us at retrogamefunclub@gmail.com.
The Game: Rival Turf!
Release Year: 1992
Skewes: SNES, Virtual Console
So what’s it like: Keeping up with my theme of early-ninties SNES rip-off games, Rival Turf! is, hold on, a Final Fight clone.
Don't worry, cop/firefighter/M. Bison is here to save the day.
You are Jack Flack (alright, points for an awesomely named protagonist), who must find his girlfriend who has been kidnapped by a gang. You can team up with Oozie Nelson (alright, points revoked), a policeman who apparently has a body that was “created by a combination of science and technology”.
Is Oozie Nelson going to have to choke a bitch?
So yeah, it's a Final Fight clone. Not a lot more can be said. You punch, kick and throw enemies to their doom. Instead of finding healing items and weapons in oil barrels you find them in garbage cans (there's nothing like healing off of some garbage sushi). One difference is that instead of having a special attack that drains your health, you can use your special attack after you defeat a certain amount of enemies. That addition, however, is not better.
Should you go back: No. You've seen everything this game has to offer.
Should this game be remade: Yes. All the cartridges should be remade into... I don't know, furniture?
The sequel, Brawl Brothers, is an amazing co-op game. This was ass, but that game was def solid