
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Retro(game)spective - Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi


Every day Ben “Ben Pack” Pack or one of his brave compatriots will play a retro game, and break it down for you. That’s right, every day. To complain about us eventually missing a day or suggest your own, go ahead and comment below the article, or email us at


The Game: Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

The prophecy is complete.

Release Year: 1994

Skewes: SNES, Virtual Console

So what’s it like: The third and final chapter in SNES run-and-gun Star Wars games. "Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" is the most dramatically different of the three, but it is still fun.

Giant floating collectables, dead ahead.

Like the other games (surprisingly), it's a run-and-gun sidescroller, with a few game-changing exceptions. The most obvious of these changes is the different characters. Each level offers you three different characters to choose from, each with their own weapons and powers. Han has blasters, Luke only has his lightsaber and force powers and there are different Leias with different costumes and different powers.


This game falls back to the first game's love of platforming, to a fault. In the first level there is a lot of platforming on small edges with lots of enemies that can fling you off, because this game is the hardest of the three. Each character also is good in specific levels, which can be aggravating and force a trail-by-error. A fun addition is the Ewok levels, which ads a whole new mechanic with arrows that can be used as platforms.

Should you go back: Yes. If you played the first two, you should play this one too.

Should this game be remade: If you read the last two, you already know the answer.

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